Halloween Sale!

Halloween Sale!

This a fact-finding mission for backpackers! Instead of a song and dance about company culture (important but today is all about the facts) and all that other happy-but-mostly-hollow talk, let’s just look at what you want to know:

  • What is the best price?
  • What is included in that price?
  • How is each tour company rated?
  • Which option is the best value overall?

If you made it this far, you are wondering if Backpacking Tours is for you. Maybe you are thinking about solo travel and just wondering if any tour company, in general, is right for you. Maybe its 3am and you want to sleep but you also want to start traveling and can't stop thinking about it and so here you are.

Whatever the reason, we're all about transparency so let's take a look. To compare apples to apples, we've chosen our 21-day Thailand tour for this travel company comparison.

Travel Company Comparison

[? Turn to zoom on phone!]

These are the tour operators who we would consider our direct competitors. If you have done any research into other options before ending up here, you have likely come across these. We don’t feel it is necessary to list each by name but if you are curious about a specific competitor or who we are referring to, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

* Top Value, No Sneaky Fees

Please read the fine print. Many companies do not include entrance fees to places such as national parks or popular sights. They also give an appealing price point because most activities are not included or you have to pay for each (and most meals).

That means your wallet is out each day. The optional extras add up quick - as do the ATM withdrawal fees. In the end, you will either end up paying the same, paying more, or just missing out on must-do activities altogether.

Transportation is also vital if you want to enjoy your trip. We are with you from the moment you land at the airport until we drop you off back at the airport for departure! On our Thailand trip, this includes the domestic flight from Krabi to Bangkok on day 20. Thailand is a big country so if you plan to see the best of it, the internal flight is a key inclusion.

With us, all entrance fees are included and there are no hidden costs. Even some flights are included. The price you see is the price you pay. There are optional activities for the free time on tour but with 32 activities on our Thailand tour, you might opt to enjoy the cushy accommodation and hotel pools instead.

** Why Facebook Reviews?

Transparency! We can’t edit them in any way so you can trust them.

You can also see the person posting and - if you are feeling extra brazen - you could even message that person to confirm they did join a tour. Though, we do kindly ask you to join the general discussion group instead where former group members are happy to answer questions for you!

*** Native, English-Speaking Guides ONLY (Is A Must)

Last but first... our tour guides are ONLY from the country where you travel! Doing it any other way, for us, just feels wrong. No skimming across the surface of the culture and missing out on local spots because our guides are from these places. You will be fully immersed in the culture of the country where you travel.

Their passion for their country is tangible (and contagious). They grow up with the food and sounds and sights and what makes them happier than anything is to share that first-hand knowledge. Plus, their families live here and go to school here and it is not uncommon that you may even get to meet family members on tour. This provides a glimpse into a different way of life, which you would never get otherwise.

Quality of tour guides should be a top decision-making factor. After all, you will spend your entire trip with that person. We put an immense amount of research and effort into filling this role. It only takes a quick glance at our reviews to see that our guides are all absolute all-stars. Of all the variables that we feel set us apart from the rest, this is what we are most proud to stand behind!

Most of us backpackers only get one genuine holiday a year, if we are lucky enough to be able to travel at all. We aren’t talking a weekend trip away but a comfort-level testing backpacking trip to a foreign place with a foreign culture, food, and wonderfully different people. With limited time and resources, it only makes senes to identify the best bang for your hard-fought funds in order to get the most out of your trip!

So, is Backpacking Tours worth it? We leave the final decision to you.

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